
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

To play in organised rosters, or championship events, you must be a full member. This entitles you to enter any championships (world-wide) and play in our formal rosters.

For social play we offer recreational membership which enables you to play socially throughout the year at times other than during rosters and official events.

Accident insurance cover is provided as part of your membership.

Registration can be made online or by filling out and handing in the membership form.

Annual Membership Fees

Full Member* - 18 or older who competes in rosters or championships - $85

Full Cadet Member - under 18 who competes in senior rosters or championships - $70

Recreational Member - social player of any age - $140

Social Member - social non-playing (includes officials) - $25

Members of Other Clubs

Full Member of Another Club - if you are a full member of another club - $15

Full Cadet Member of Another Club - if you are an udner 18 of another club - $0

Recreational Member of Another Club - if you are a recreational member of another club - $105

*Full Membership is annual and cannot be purchased part year. Full Membership requires that you play at least 10 roster nights (nightly fee of $8) at STTTA. Recreational Membership can be purchased 6 monthly for $85 or Guest Recreational $55.

All memberships include Tasmanian and Australian Table Tennis Association registration fees and accident insurance.

Family discount on full year recreational membership, if applicable -$20

All members and guests (other than social members) may practise at any time the stadium is open and not in use for rosters or official events.

STTTA is a registered provider under the Ticket to Play  and the Veteran Wellbeing Voucher Programs, which help eligible players with the cost of membership.

STTTA Roster matches and social evenings

  • Adult: $8 per night
  • Student (to the end of Grade 12): $5 per night
  • Cadets (under 18 as at 1 January): $5 per night

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