Southern Tasmanian Table Tennis Association Inc (STTTA)
The Southern Tasmanian Table Tennis Association Inc (STTTA) was formed in 1963 and is affiliated with Table Tennis Tasmania Inc (TTT) which in turn is affiliated with the national body, Table Tennis Australia (TTA).
Clubs playing in a Hobart social and business house roster formed an association in 1935. It was formalised as the Tasmanian Table Tennis Association in 1936.
In the early years, clubs including Wellington, Liberals, Wivenhoe and University played in various venues such as St James (New Town), Sandy Bay Rowing Club, the Postal Institute and the Working Men's Club.
In 1959 operations were centralised in a bitumen floored upstairs former warehouse at the corner of Collins and Campbell streets. Despite the conditions, up to 56 senior teams and over 100 school teams were accommodated weekly in this central location.
The STTTA moved to the Kingborough Sports Centre (KSC) which included a dedicated table tennis stadium with 10 tables in 1979. Numbers initially dropped with the move south. However, in recent years, numbers have grown to around 201 members and 1000 schools program participants as the Kingborough Municipality expands and as players are drawn from many suburbs around Hobart. Using the newly expanded facilities, the Kingborough Sports Centre can now easily cater for Australian Championship events.